MO SALEMY: IN BETWEEN THE EMPTY FRAMES -INTERNATIONAL WHATEVER SEPTEMBER 4 – DECEMBER 1, 2008 previous < -- > next 24 x 18 in. Color Print, 2008
In between the empty frames contains some of my nondescript everyday interactions with digital imaging. These images were taken in Tokyo, Berlin, Rome, Florence, Venice, Dusseldorf, Seattle, Vancouver, Galliano, Hornby and New York. In them, I acknowledge things with my digital recorder and I also notice other digital recorders that, in their own right, are doing the same as my equipment. These photos are nothing different than any other set of regular digital photos. In this series, dead birds on the streets of Berlin, Sara Jessica Parker on the set of the Sex and the City movie in New York, and a crowd, including myself, at a CSS concert in Vancouver, are a backdrop to a host of digital recording devices that link these images with their counterparts in other people's cameras and hard drives. If we agree that the infinite nature of digital images cast them as a never ending collage, what is interesting is that the sum of this collage always finds a way to connect its parts in more than one particular algorithm. Whether it's a German star of David on the top of a Persian rug in a second hand shop in Tokyo, or a Hillary Clinton campaign sign in a pile of New York garbage, the summation is what gives depth and meaning to billions of meaningless digital images that are created everyday on the face of the planet. If "the real" is often assumed to be lost in the digital spectacle, it also has a limitless number of ways to reveal itself to the observing eyes. |